I Hate That!

Monday, December 10, 2007 Posted In Edit This 4 Comments »
I was reading my dear friend ALF's blog and it reminded me how much I hate going pretty much anywhere. I am over exaggerating of course, but sometimes I just can't stand going out into public. I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but I am going to go ahead and rant a little.

My rant for the day would have to go to Subway. First of all it is not my fault you work there. I didn't force you at gunpoint to fill out the application and get behind the counter to make sandwiches. Take some pride in your job, no matter what it might be, and do the best job you can do at it. Make sure that every sandwich you make is something you would be willing to eat yourself. Make sure that when the person who is going to eat it takes a bite, everything they ask for is tasted with each bite. I hate when I unwrap my sandwich and everything is spilling off the side of the sandwich. I don't think it would be that difficult to move everything over 1/2 an inch, so it is centered on the sandwich. When you ask what vegetables I would like don't act like it's an incovenience to you. Once again it's not my fault you work here.

I do have to commend the few people that do make a good sandwich. I don't know their names, but they usually work during the day. They are pleasant and take a few extra seconds to make sure the sandwich I order is put together so the only mess is the one I make because I am a messy eater.

I guess my real complaint is toward the late teens early twenties. I myself am in my early twenties, but I don't feel entitled to anything. Why is it that people my age are holding out for a management position, or something similar? I am lucky to be in a management position at my age. There are only three other people in the company I work for, but I still feel very privileged to be in the position I am. I have worked in retail, and as a receptionist and I think that is perfect for someone starting out their career. It takes years of hard work and dedication to get up the career ladder. We can't just expect right out of high school or even college that an amazing job is just going to be handed to us. We have to work for it.

Of course there are those lucky few that seem to have everything going for them and they have things handed to them. For those of us that don't fall into that category let's be happy with what we can get, work hard at whatever job we can get, and for goodness sake smile once in a while.

Side note: I spent the entire day baking yesterday. What is wrong with me?


ALF said...

Amen, sister!

My apporoach is to be as nice and polite as possible, even if they're being totally grumpy - kill 'em with kindness!

DJ Kirkby said...

Could you and ALF get over here and teach my N1S a few things? He is 18 and pissed off at the world. He think sit is outrageous that we expect him to work full time since he quit college! Honestly...you just can't get the parents these days...

Joanna Cake said...

Absolutely. Sometimes in my job I smile so much that my face quite literally aches by the end of the day. A smile costs nothing and why should one lower one's standards to the morose irritability of some of the halfwits that constitute 'the public'. But, of course, that's why I have so many smile and laughter lines :)

JENN said...

I hate eating out period. When I do, I get half way through my meal and start thinking about all the people who handled it and all the things I have found or friends have found in their food in the past. Then I stop eating. Having people prepare your food in front of you is usually good. We use to like going to Quiznos, until we asked the server to change gloves because we are Vegetarian. That didn't go so well.