If That Isn't Love I Don't Know What Is...

Tuesday, December 04, 2007 Posted In , Edit This 1 Comment »
So You Think You Can Dance (SYTYCD) finally came on Friday, November 30. It was awesome to say the least. I really enjoyed the show. I don't know if Andrew would admit it out loud, but I think he enjoyed it as well.

My only complaint about the show would have to be I didn't know in order to get autographs you had to have a pass. Yes I wanted autographs... so what. I'm like a teenage girl when it comes to things like this. I don't go crazy over cute boys or make signs confessing my love to famous people, but I love dance. These people are amazing dancers (in my opinion) and I wanted their autographs. I asked several people after the show where they got their passes and they told me the dancers left them at dance studios in their hometowns. I will admit this information made me a bit depressed. I saw someone that looked like they were on the backstage crew, so I stopped him and asked if it was possible for me to get autographs even though I didn't have a pass. He told me that if I went around the back of the Events Center and waited by their bus the dancers would give me autographs while they were leaving. This, at the time, didn't sound like a bad idea, so we decided we would wait inside until the "pass people" got their autographs and then make our way to the bus. We decided to go get the car and move it closer to the building. We ended up parking at a shady motel across from where the bus was parked. It was around 11:30 PM when this all started and about 19 degrees outside.

We saw a group of about 20 people waiting by the back of the building, so we stood with them in hopes of autographs. I'm not sure how much time passed, but the bus left. It just drove away. About 5 minutes later a cranky full of himself security guard walked up to our group and said, "You people are going to have to move. You're in our way and you need to move. All the dancers were on that bus and now they are gone. I promise you they are gone now." What a load of bull that was. We weren't about to believe that.

Now it's about 12:30 AM and there was still no sight of the dancers. As we were sitting in my car trying to decide our next move we spotted two 15 passenger vans waiting at the corner. They had to be waiting for the dancers...right? We pulled the car closer to the vans, parked and walked passed the vans to wait. Don't forget that it is still about 19 degrees outside. We were all alone waiting on the side of the Events Center...just waiting. Freezing. I'm sure Andrew was not impressed with me, but he stayed with me; patiently.

I'm pretty sure we saw a drug deal go down at the corner by the 24 hour convenience store. A woman toting her baby in a hat and blanket came out of the motel across from where we were standing and walked to the corner where she met a man. He handed her something and then proceeded to follow her to the motel. Was this for payment? Maybe? Eew!

It is now getting close to 1:30 in the morning. Andrew decided to move the car to a spot closer to where we were standing and as he started to walk away who is that? Could it be? Yes yes it was the dancers. OMG! OMG! I walked calmly, sort of embarrassed, up to them asked if I could have their autographs. I won't name any names, but the guy closest to me said, "If it's quick because it's cold out here." REALLY? I had no idea. We've only been standing out here for like 2 hours in below freezing weather, so I could have you write your name on my SYTYCD scrapbook. Yes you read that right, I made a scrapbook or as Andrew so kindly named it my stalker book. Even though they were annoyed with the fact that I wanted their autographs they kindly gave them to me. Thank you SYTYCD dancers, I know you were tired, cold, and sad about this being your last performance on your tour. I really appreciate it.

On an unrelated note: Today is my one year anniversary at my job!


ALF said...

You're too funny! Thanks for coming over for dinner - it was so great to see you!