It Just Isn't Sanitary

Sunday, February 24, 2008 Posted In Edit This 2 Comments »
Some friends of ours were having some computer trouble yesterday, so they called us. Why did they call us you may be asking. Well...Andrew seems to be the go to guy when something is wrong with computers. He has a wealth of knowledge about computers and if he doesn't know what the problem is or how to fix it he is a master of the Google machine. "Just Google it!" I always hear him say when I am having trouble figuring something out. So...he told our friends we would be over after dinner to take a look at their possibly diseased machine.

Speaking of diseased (not that they have any diseases, but read on). Our friends have been sick for quite some time with what I'm pretty sure could be called death. Unfortunately for them they haven't been able to get well for over a month now and Bryon has pneumonia (poor guy). Being the funny couple that we are we decided to get some masks to wear over to their house while Andrew worked.

It just so happened that we were going over to my parent's house for dinner and they happen to have these masks that we were hoping for. My dad said he could do us one better and he walked in with these white Tyvek suits. We were both very excited. It was going to be awesome when they opened the door and we were standing there looking like this:

We drove the entire way to their house wearing these and I think we were equally excited to see their reaction. I know we are silly, but we get a kick out of ourselves.

There is a warning on the masks we were wearing and it says, "This respirator helps protect against certain dusts and mists." Okay so far so good and then it moves on to say, "Misuse may result in sickness or death." Well that's not good. Don't worry no one was hurt in the making of this blog.


Tootsie Farklepants said...

That's awesome!

Julie said...

You are my kind of silly! Love it!