Black Friday

Sunday, November 25, 2007 Posted In Edit This 3 Comments »
We spent Thanksgiving in Twin Falls, Idaho with my mom's sister. She is one of the most hilarious people I have ever met. She is one of those people that says warsh instead of wash and windel instead of window. While at her house I noticed she left herself a note on her refrigerator to go see the dermaloglist. When I asked her about it she informed me it says dermatologist. She corrected her speech impediment by saying that sometimes her tongue just adds letters. Apparently she isn't saying anything wrong it's her tongue playing tricks on her.

On a completely different note... On Black Friday my mom purchased a new set of cordless phones for her house because the old one is not working properly. The old phone is currently located on top of the microwave in the kitchen. I was talking on the phone with my mom and she told me she was reading the instructions for the new phone and it says not to put your phone near a microwave. I told her that must be the problem with the old phone. She said, "Probably...I think I am going to put the new phone in the refrigerator." We both erupted with laughter and Andrew asked what was going on. I told him what my mom said and he asked, "What did she mean?" She said she meant the living room. Sure... living room and refrigerator are pretty close to the same thing. Right?


JENN said...

That is hilarious about the phone. I think I have a tongue similar to your Aunt. For me it comes from the Midwest. I add extra vowels to words, like down (doawn) and now (naow). Also words like jail and gel the way I say them, only I can tell them apart.

ALF said...

You have way more friends than me on the bloglog - I am so jealous!

Allison said...

Anna - I think you are confused because I only have two friends listed on my blog log and the other line is just people that have viewed my blog. You are the only one I actually know. So... I am jealous of you because you have more "friends" than me.