How We Met - The Proposal Challenge

Friday, March 21, 2008 Posted In , , Edit This 2 Comments »
So far it looks like I’m the only one that is going to take my challenge. That’s alright I see how it is.

Andrew and I are living in sin, so I’m going to tell you about how we met. I think it would be fun to talk about a fantasy proposal, but I want it to be organic and happen on it’s own with out any persuasion from me (not that I don’t want one, but…).

Here goes…

Andrew moved here from Montana to take a job with a local mine in January of 2005. I started working for the same company a short time after that, but I wasn’t available at the time. I’m not the type of person that has a wandering eye and I dedicate myself to the person I’m with, so I didn’t notice Andrew in the beginning. I think it’s only fair to your significant other and respectful (even if you despise them) to be faithful. I’m all about r-e-s-p-e-c-t. After I wizened up (became single) I took some time and started to take notice of a very good looking guy in the department I was working for (Andrew).

In the beginning I totally thought he saw me as an idiot. In my mind I was that dumb girl that couldn’t figure out the copy machine right across from his desk. He constantly had to save me from myself when I tried to use/ break it.

I started flirting with him, asking him a million questions, and I always tried to find reasons to be in the vicinity with him. At the time he was working for two different mine sites owned by the same company, so no matter which site he was at I would try to spend a little more time at that particular site. I’m not sure if he knows that or not, but now he will. I was working as a Parts Runner, so I was able to travel between these two sites quite frequently. I had such a huge crush on him and I really wanted him to notice me. I told him about the local comedy night that occurred every Thursday and I told him he should join my friend and I sometime.

The only time I got to see him outside of work was on the weekend going to dinner or out to bars. I took what I could get in the beginning because he told me he wouldn't tell me where his house was. His reasoning...he was afraid that if he told me I would never leave. Fast forward for a minute...he was right. Now he's stuck with me because I won't leave.

Ok back to the beginning again. The first time we ever went out alone was to a local bar in early February. We were having a good time, we had a few (several) drinks, and I remember we were playing pool. It was a Thursday night, so there were only a few people in the bar. I kept trying to talk him into calling in sick the next day, so we could stay out later. Secretly I just didn't want to go home (or him to go home) because I knew that would be the end of our evening together. I'm going to confess now that I'm a light weight when it comes to drinking, so I was pretty tipsy playing pool. The next part is a little fuzzy, but I still know what happened. Andrew was sitting on a stool leaning against one of the tables beside the pool table all smooth like and that's when I pounced. It was more of a I'm trying to be sexy, so don't think I'm stupid kind of pounce. I leaned in real slow and kissed him. It was heaven. I was so excited. I actually kissed him.

Next. (This is how it should have happened) He took me in his arms and confessed that he had been dying to kiss me from the first time he laid eyes on me, but nnnooooooo. You wanna know what really happened? Whether you do or not here's the cold hard truth. Approximately two minutes after I practically threw myself at him I had to excuse myself to the ladies' room to vomit. How sexy is that?

I returned to the bar trying to compose myself along the way and I decided it would be a good idea to down two huge glasses of water. Guess what? Not such a good idea. I then returned to the bathroom to spew once more. I'm sure at this point he was so impressed.

Upon my return to the bar I decided this time I would sip my water more slowly. This surely would cure my ailment. Once again I had to excuse myself and... yep you guessed it...I had to be sick...again!

This is when Andrew decided it would be a good idea to take me home. In hindsight it was probably for the best.

After falling asleep in the passenger seat of his car he woke me up long enough to drop me off at my house, and drove himself home probably thanking his lucky stars the night was finally over. I found my way to my bed and woke up the next morning naked from the waste down with a very hazy recollection of the past evening.

So that's how it all started. There it is in all it's gloriousness.


Tootsie Farklepants said...

Just be thankful that you didn't vomit in his car.

DJ Kirkby said...

Too funny! I want to hear about the second date!