I'm a Miner!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008 Posted In Edit This 7 Comments »
Ok so I'm not really a "miner", but I do work for a mine now. I have been working there for two weeks now and I think it is finally time I talked about it for a minute or two. I got a job with this mine which is about 45 minutes from where I live which might not seem that appealing, but they gave me a company vehicle to drive, so I won't complain too much. Let me take a minute to add that if you have any questions about mining go ahead and ask. I have been around this business my whole life and I take it for granted sometimes that people just know what it's all about. I will warn you though I won't go into too much detail about the mine I am working for because...well...I don't want to get fired.

One of the scary things about my job is going underground. I am slightly claustrophobic and it can be dangerous. You have to be aware of your surroundings at all times, watch above and below you, and keep track of where you are, so should there ever be an emergency you can get yourself to safety.

I don't know if you can see it, but next to the water tank there is a small haul truck. I know it might not seem small compared to most vehicles, but compared to the other haul trucks I have seen this is just a baby.

The road and mountain along the back are part of the open pit.

Now for the underground pictures (I know you are so excited):

I am the one on the far left with my light shining directly at the camera. I don't know if you can tell, but I have a "pageant smile." (Andrew calls my smile a "pageant smile" because it's always very large and shows every single one of my teeth.) You may also notice my attire. I am wearing a pair of coveralls. They are not flattering at all, but they keep your clothes underneath clean.

This is a piece of equipment used to drill holes in the walls of the underground to put explosives in.

The wire mesh and those dark squares are used to hold the ceiling in place.

It's always nice to know which way the exit is.

This sign says "primary escape."

This is called a refuge chamber. If there is ever an emergency underground this is where we are supposed to seek shelter. This thing is tiny and God help the people that would be stuck in this thing with me if we have to use it. Like I said before I am slightly claustrophic and this pop can just isn't big enough.

This is an example of what it looks like underground. There are no lights other than the cap lamp on the forehead of your hard hat, so it's very dark. Imagine a night when the moon is hidden behind the clouds and it's really dark...take that and multiply it by about 100...that's what it's like underground. Completely and utterly pitch black. You can't even see your own hand in front of your face if you turn your cap lamp off. I am going to go ahead and confess now that I am afraid of the dark, so once again God help those around me if my lamp ever goes out.

When I looked straight down this is what I saw. Water. If you dig far enough into the ground you will eventually find water. This is why mines have a dewatering system in place. Unfortunately it doesn't always get all the water and because I am height challenged the water at some points came close to my knees.


I'm Jennifer said...

Hi Allie! Thanks for reading. Sorry I haven't done the fun activity you tagged me for. I do like those things, I just keep forgetting about it! Hopefully one day I stop procrastinating (very unlikely!). Exciting to hear about your new job, hope it goes well!

Allie Mama said...

Actually you are a miner. According to MSHA (the Mine Safety and Health Administration) anyone working at a mine is considered a miner. That means that I'm a miner too, vs. a minor which I haven't been for a couple of years! Anyway, great commentary!

Val Cox said...

oh my gosh, I can't even imagine, how exciting!

Tootsie Farklepants said...

I'd love to leave a witty comment but seriously, the claustrophobia is preventing anything clever. Can't breathe.

DJ Kirkby said...

Erm...I alternated between being horrified and fascinated by reading this post, those pics are great but I could NOT do your job!

ALF said...

I must go inform Hubcap that there are pictures of an actual mine on your blog. She will be thrilled!

Hubcap said...

I loved the pictures! I tell everyone that I know two people that work at a gold mine and I think they think I am lying! Now I can send them to see your pictures. I am glad you got the job!