"Second Star to the Right, and Straight on 'til Morning"

Sunday, June 15, 2008 Posted In , Edit This 8 Comments »
When I was a little girl I watched the movie Peter Pan for the first time and fell in love with the Indian Princess Tigerlily. From that point forward I wanted to be referred to as Tigerlily. My name, Allison, was too plain and I hated it. I informed my family that they must call me Tigerlily and I wouldn't answer to anything else. I was am a demanding person.

One of the funny things about me wanting to be called Tigerlily is not only is that the name of an Indian Princess, but it's also the name of a flower. I'm not comfortable with giving away my full name, but I will tell you that after being adopted my middle and last name both have something to do with flowers.

Another funny fact about this is before the adoption my mom and dad had to speak with a lawyer on several occasions to fill out paperwork and discuss what would happen. When I decided my name was now Tigerlily my mom began to get nervous. She just knew the judge would ask me what I wanted my name to be and I would tell him Tigerlily. In one of the meetings my parents had with their lawyer my mom asked if the judge would give me the opportunity to tell him what I wanted my name to be. She was relieved to find out that he wouldn't. I don't think the lawyer realized how nervous my mom was. *cue for my mom to wipe the sweat from her brow* It might not have been that big of a deal to most, but it was to her. At the very least she wanted to keep my name Allison on paper.

Recently my mom gave me a package and said she had a surprise for me. I opened the envelope to find the following.She was searching for new makeup and found this eyeshadow and couldn't pass it up. It's perfect!

*Pictures courtesy of Google Images


Katelin said...

my most favorite cartoon ever. i wanted to be wendy so badly.

Unknown said...

Oh now isn't that the cutest thing!

I can just imagine how nervous she was, trying to come off as a good parent.. but at least it was Tigerlily and not something worse!

ALF said...

I agree with steph corwin. Your mom should have been happy that you didn't want to change your name to Baby Rump Sniffer.

La Petite Chic said...

Hey, where did your camera post go? Just wanted to chime in and say that I have the Canon Rebel Xti (they just came out with the Xsi a few months ago) and just love it! I actually owned the 40D for about an hour or two but felt like it was way too much camera for me, a beginner. Some of the best advice I got when looking for a camera was to invest in the lenses. They said that the Xti and 40D take about the same quality of pictures.

DJ Kirkby said...

Sweet story! I bet that eye shadow will look nice on you too. Big news over at mine on Sunday, please come by and visit.

Tootsie Farklepants said...

The gift from your mom is about the sweetest thing I've ever seen!

See Sherm Blog said...

Cute story. :-) I think a lot of girls wish they had a different name when they were a kid. My middle name used to be Michelle (not anymore, I dropped it when I got married and moved my maiden name to my middle name)... and in junior high I considered asking my parents if they would start calling me Shelley or something. But then I got a new best friend and her name was Shelley... so there went that idea. :-(

Oh and I'm pretty sure I wanted to go by Allison at one point too. I loved the nickname "Allie."

sarah marie p said...

Aww... this is the cutest story! And such a sweet surprise from you mom! Random little gifts like this are the best! That eye shadow looks pretty!