Exposaroonie Challenge 7 - Your Location

Thursday, June 12, 2008 Posted In , Edit This 1 Comment »
It's challenge time again! This week's challenge over at Exposaroonie is "Your Location." If you weren't already aware I live in Winnemucca, Nevada otherwise known as "The Mucc." We have a population of about 8,000 people here. Our town was named after Paiute Chief Winnemucca. The meaning of Winnemucca is one moccasin.

Chief Winnemucca had a daughter named Sarah who was often called the Paiute Princess. She lived from about 1842-1891. Sarah was very influential for her time being one of very few educated Paiutes in Nevada. She was able to read and write in English and acted as an interpreter. Sarah was the first Native American woman to obtain a copyright and publish a book. She wrote an autobiography titled Life Among the Paiutes: Their Wrongs and Claims which accounted for the first forty years they had contact with explorers and settlers. There is a statue of Sarah Winnemucca in Washington D.C. at the National Statuary Hall for being a "defender of human rights, an educator," and an author.

You learn something new everyday. Did you ever think you would be learning something about Winnemucca?

Anyhoo...here it is...my entry:

This picture was taken behind one of the oldest buildings in Winnemucca. I really like how it has aged and I had fun trying to find the perfect area to photograph for this challenge.

Winnemucca is pronounced win-uh-muck-uh and it's Nevaaaaada not Nevawda. I'm just sayin'.

OH! I almost forgot if you want to vote for my picture you can go here on Friday June 13. Oh man it's going to be Friday the 13th muahahahaha.


Zack Sheppard said...

a Winnemucca blogger cool! I found this on my weekly search of winnemucca blog posts. Since you are out there in the Mucc, you might like this too.