Just Remember...This Was My Idea!

Thursday, September 13, 2007 Posted In Edit This 1 Comment »
We are currently in the process of trying to paint our house and it really makes me want to rip my hair out. It was going to cost way too much to have someone else do it, so I told Andrew I would do it myself. Well...I think he thought I was trying to make him feel bad or something, so he said we would both paint it.

I don't know if you have ever attempted painting a house, but it involves so much more than just grabbing a paintbrush and going at it. You have to prep the house prior to beginning which involves pressure washing, scraping, and taping off anything you don't want painted (windows, doors, etc). We were finally to the point where we can paint last night and I was actually a little excited because I like to paint. It has taken us about 2 weeks to get to this point and this is where the problems started.

After Andrew and I finished preping the sprayer we are going to use for painting he stirred the paint, I closed the garage door, he put the paint sucker hose in the bucket of paint, and he tested it. It didn't work. WTF! Apparently the plug in tripped itself turning the power to the outlet off. Don't worry though that isn't it. The garage door is somehow connected to this outlet and the outlet is on the other side of the garage door that won't open now and the front door is locked and covered with tape and paper. We are now locked out of the house. So...we cleaned up all of our painting supplies because it is quite obvious we are going to spend the remainder of daytime figuring out how to get in the house and we didn't get any painting done.

We were finally able to get back in the house with enough light left to drag our stuff back in the garage and laugh at how silly this situation was. I won't hold my breath, but hopefully we can get some painting done tonight. Cross your fingers for us. We will definitely be leaving the door unlocked while we are outside now, but we better not have to worry about that.

I will post some pictures of the house when it is done, if it ever gets done.


ALF said...

You have great stories to tell - and you always have such a good sense of humor about them all! I hope the painting went better today. I am still trying to find the camera (although I will admit I haven't been off the couch much today) and I hope we get to see you soon!