The Shower Monster

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 Posted In Edit This 7 Comments »
Let me start by saying I know I am not the only that does this. At least one of my roommates in college did this too.

Whenever I take a shower instead of letting all my hair fall down the drain I like to stick it to the wall and dispose of it when I am done. Well...occasionally I forget to dispose of it and it is left there for Andrew's enjoyment. By enjoyment I mean he absolutely hates it. When he sees this monstrosity he screams and gags, but not necessarily in that order. He has a phobia of hair. Lucky for him he shaves his head. Even luckier I don't shave mine and I have a ton of hair.

Side note: just to give you an idea of how much hair I have. I have donated my hair to Locks of Love in the past. One of the requirements for donating hair is it must be 10" from tip to tip in a ponytail or braid tied off at both ends. I have so much hair that when I went to cut it I had to separate it into two braids because the stylist couldn't cut through one braid.

Our house is covered from top to bottom with hair. My hair falls out in handfuls each day and for some strange reason I still have so much you couldn't tell I had lost any (thank God for that). I truly believe that I should be bald because of the amount of hair that falls out. I think Andrew would like it better if I was bald. He might not like to look at me, but he would feel 100 times better.

Some of the places you can find my hair:
  • In my brush.
  • All over the floor in the bathroom.
  • In the bed.
  • Inside every single pair of Andrew's undergarments after doing laundry.
  • All over every blanket on the couch and bed.
  • My back.
  • My chair at work.
  • One time it made it into Andrew's sandwich I made him for lunch. ONE TIME!
  • I leave at least one strand in every place I go. (That includes ALF's house, sorry about that.)
  • The shower drain.
  • The shower wall.

I know my hair loss is disgusting to most (especially Andrew), but I don't know what to tell you. It is going to continue for the rest of my life I'm sure. I guess I'm just used to it. Somehow I need to figure out how to desensitize him. You'd think after two years together he would be used to it, but no not even a little bit. He hates it just as much today as he did two years ago.


ALF said...

We are not really fazed by hair in our house - we collect it by the bucket full from Ralph & Spider so an Allison hair here and there doesn't bother us! Plus, if we have an Allison hair, it means we got to see you which is totally worth it!!!

Joanna Cake said...

The question is, is finding a 10" long hair worse than finding a little curly pubic one...

JENN said...

You must of been a cat in your past life ;)

Tootsie Farklepants said...

I'm also a shedder. I have to routinely disassemble my vacuum and literally cut my hair out of the little bristle brushy thingy.

Allison said...

ALF - So true. I will be sure to leave more next time I'm there.

Cake - Definitely worse to find a little curly pubic one. Eew!

Jenn - LMAO! Could be true.

Tootsie - I completely forgot about the vacuum. That is another one to add to the list. I burned up our vacuum belt with my amazingly small amount of hair clogging it. ;)

DJ Kirkby said...

My hair is the same...everywhere I mean! Esp the bathroom drains which freaks the 4 males in my house right out! Tsk such babies...

I'm Jennifer said...

Hi Allie! Thanks for commenting, nice to meet you and your blog!
Right there with you on the hair thing. My husband is always commenting on the excess of hair around our house. I realized a new level of his love and commitment when he cleaned out the shower drain; I saw what was in there and almost threw up myself!