The Things You Do For Work

Tuesday, January 29, 2008 Posted In Edit This 3 Comments »
My least favorite thing about looking for a new job is the drug test. I hate having to pee in a cup. It is such a pain to actually get your pee in the cup without peeing all over yourself. Mabye its just me that has that problem, but I don't like it. I mean I really don't like having to fill out application after application in hopes that someone will call, but the drug test is the worst.

Guys have it so easy because they have a 99.9% chance of getting it in the cup. I'm not saying I would prefer to be a guy, but they have a dangly doodad they can practically just poke in the cup and do their business. Ok I'm done poking fun at guys (hehe poke).

The best/ worst part was when I couldn't pee enough to fill the cup past the line. The line was about a half an inch from the bottom of the cup and I couldn't do it. I filled it about halfway as much as she told me to. She didn't say I had to try again or anything, but I felt my insignificant amount of pee was sad.

That's all for now. I just had to talk about pee for a minute.


ALF said...

Peeing in a cup is one of my least favorite things to do as well. I totally agree that guys have such an advantage in this area and I LOVE that you called it a dangly doodad!

Hope things are well!

JENN said...


Anonymous said...

The only thing I hate worse than peeing in a cup is when I take my two year old little girl to the doctor and they make her pee in a cup. haha. It is very hard to explain the logic behind that to her. And "dangly doodad"--soo funny.