I've Been Hit

Friday, February 15, 2008 Posted In Edit This 6 Comments »
Ok so I really haven't been hit, but I have been tagged by Tootsie Farklepants. I haven't been tagged before, so this is new to me. (Tootsie - there are no feelings of hate toward you. It might be weird that I think this, but I'm glad you noticed me and wanted to tag me.)

The rules are as follows:
1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
5. Leave a comment on their blogs so that they know they have been tagged.

So here goes...only 7 huh?

#1 Sometimes I snort when I laugh. It doesn't happen everytime I laugh, but I have noticed that when I have a good gut busting laugh there are several snorts sprinkled in there.

#2 I have performed in the pregame and halftime shows of two Super Bowls. That would be Super Bowl XXXV in Tampa, Florida and XXXVI in New Orleans, Louisiana.

#3 When I was little Allison I called quarters (25 cents) big nickels. Don't ask. I have no idea. It must have been one of those kids say the cutest things moments. "Mommy can I have a big nickel?"

#4 I have to smell everything before I eat it. The only exception is if I have eaten it several times before. If its new to me, I'm unsure of what it is, or it looks funny I definitely need to smell it before putting it in my mouth. Hello its going in my mouth!

#5 When riding an escalator I don't touch the rail. I border OCD when it comes to this. I can only imagine the disgusting things that are waiting on those rails. Eew eew eew. Andrew thinks its funny to push me on escalators so I am forced to touch the side. Just so you know...its not funny.

#6 I burp like a man. I can't make myself burp, but just about anything I eat or drink makes me burpy. My mom is not impressed at all. She thinks I'm a "leetle peeg." (That's "little pig" for those of you that don't speak Momese.)

#7 I have ripped a phone book in half. I wasn't mad; I just did it for fun.

So now it is time to tag others. I apologize in advance if you don't like being tagged. I don't mean to cause any hate or discontent, but here goes.

Bagpipe Fever
DJ Kirby
Having My Cake...
Le Petit Chic
Hubcap's Revenge
Twipply Skwood



Tootsie Farklepants said...

It's probably best you don't touch the hand rails. I've seen kids licking them. Ew.

And dude, anyone who tells me that they're "all caught up" on my blog? Leaves me feeling very FLATTERED!

DJ Kirkby said...

Thanks for tagging me! I have already done this a few times. Here is the url to my latest one if you want to read it. I did this one shortly before I was diagnosed with Aspergers. http://djkirkby.blogspot.com/2008/01/meme-monday.html
I have added you to my blog roll by the way!

Jill said...

Well I read an article once about "curing" ocd by forcing people to do stuff that wigged them out...can't remember what the article concluded but I'm pretty sure in your shoes I'd be insisting on the stairs when I was with Andrew...

actually to take the ocd thing a step further I sort of don't even like escalators at all because I'm pretty sure people get hurt & killed on them, but I can't figure out *how*...

I saw one all taken apart once though & it does look kind'a scary from the inside...

Anyway, thanks for the tag! I wish I could remember the different tags I'm behind on...but this one should be pretty easy!

ALF said...

Thanks for not tagging me - you're the best!

Also, thank for the birthday card - you're such a great friend!

Le Petit Chic said...

Thanks for the tag! These are always fun :) Oh, and I totally smell everything before I eat it too! My dad makes fun of me for that all the time :)

Joanna Cake said...

Thanks for the tag. Will get to it over the weekend. Where I used to work, it was right by the lift (elevator to you) and I used to watch this guy use his elbow to press the button to call it, get in and then use his elbow again to select his floor. He was forever in and out of the toilets washing his hands.