My Head is Going to Explode

Thursday, July 10, 2008 Posted In , Edit This 3 Comments »
Lately I’ve been feeling a bit blah. Does that make sense? I hope so. Nothing very exciting is going on (which isn’t that big of a deal), but I wish I had something super fantastic to blog about. We are building a deck which is pretty awesome. I should have been blogging about it a few months ago, but for some reason I haven’t downloaded any of the pictures yet, so until I do some downloading I have nothing cool to talk about.

I guess I can rant about some things. Do you mind? I apologize if you do because I’m going to do it anyway.

It turns out my aunt (my mom’s sister) does have cancer. She goes in for her second round of chemo today. It really is too bad that she has to go through this. I can’t imagine how she must be feeling. Our family is planning a reunion next weekend in Idaho and I’m really happy we will get to see her. I wish there was some sort of magic remedy we could give her to make it go away. I know all families feel the same way, but it’s especially difficult when it’s someone as close as she is.

This past weekend my aunt’s “partner” passed away (my dad’s sister). The reason I call him her partner is because they were together for 30+ years without getting married and in my opinion calling them boyfriend/ girlfriend is a little insignificant for the amount of time they spent together. Other than his passing the worst part about the whole deal is that because they weren’t married the hospital won’t give my aunt any information about his death. I kind of hate them for that and I’m sure she does too. I know it’s just procedure that they have to follow, but WTF? I know in some states common law marriage is recognized and in that instance they would be able to give her some information, but do you think that’s the way it is? No. Where she lives it’s not recognized, so they’re basically telling her she’s S.O.L. I don’t know the whole story, but I do know that the only way to make funeral arrangements is if one of his family members makes them. Apparently the family he has left is too busy to make it right now, so my aunt is stuck waiting around with no answers, no closure, no loved one to go home to, and a heavy heart.

It’s pretty messed up when your own flesh and blood can’t take time out of their busy schedule to make funeral arrangements and find out the cause of death. It’s also messed up that someone so close to you they should be considered a relative, someone that spent the last 30 years with you, someone that knows you better than anyone else can’t be told anything. It’s not like she’s some stranger or someone he just met. She is as close to being his wife as you can possibly get without some fancy legal paper saying so.

Like I said before I don’t know the whole story and maybe I will find out, but until then I’m going to continue being mad. I know there isn’t anything I can do to change things, but I’m in a poopy mood and I just want to be mad at the situation. So there.

Ok I’m done being a four year old. For now.

On a lighter much happier note I love that without having to say a word Andrew knows that I’m bothered by something and he hugs me, cuddles with me, and tries so hard to make me feel better. Sometimes all you need is love.


Katelin said...

man you've got plenty of reason to rant, i would too. i'm sorry for both of your aunts. at least they've got family around to support them and help them out. :)

La Petite Chic said...

My goodness, no wonder you've been feeling blah lately...there are a lot of very heavy things going on in your life rightnow. Thinking about you!
P.S. I'm jealous that you all are building a deck...I can't wait to have a house to build a deck on!

Unknown said...

gosh dang! Your poor family just can't get any rest lately.

But I'm right there with you in feeling blah and frustrated with things. I just found out I have to have surgery soon. Life can suck but what can you do?

Call me if you ever get bored! :) I've missed you.