A Call For Enlightenment

Thursday, October 02, 2008 Posted In , , , Edit This 4 Comments »
This is a guest post written by Andrew. Continue on with an open mind and willingness to learn something new. This post is completely non-partisan.


It’s that time again when politics and political hearsay are running wild. It’s my personal opinion that this election is very critical for the future of the USA. I consider myself a skeptical person by nature (especially when it comes to political statements, rumors, and rhetoric) and I truly despise the fact that “wedge” politics are used so often nowadays to decide political outcomes instead of facts about the issues.

While I will never claim to have all the answers nor will I ever try to push my opinions on anyone else; I would like to ask of you the following: Try not to get caught up in the political “spin” and do NOT believe everything you hear from the left wing or right wing media; and be very skeptical about any emails you receive or TV adds you see.

Collectively we, as a people, owe it to ourselves and this great nation not to be tricked or coerced into believing anything. We should be free thinkers, who pay attention to truly important issues and aren’t distracted by fear mongering or other political ploys that may distract us. We must check the facts that are presented to us, and then weigh our personal beliefs, morals, and life experiences against those actual facts to come to our own independent conclusions.

If we fail to base our decisions on facts and fall victim to the lies, then we perpetuate the stereo type of uninformed voters who can be easily manipulated. Unfortunately this is all too common and many elections are won on false pretenses. This rampant onslaught of misinformation that bombards the American people is astonishing and truly does us all a huge disservice.

We are all very busy in this day and age, and are constantly inundated with stories and opinions from every direction. It’s easy to become overwhelmed, throw up your hands, and follow the rest of the flock. I urge you not fall into the perils of becoming one of these sheep who repeats rumors and rhetoric as absolute fact.

I’ve found a couple of non-partisan Fact Checking web sites that are straight forward, quick, and easy to use. They serve to declutter the fog of misleading information and/or lies that surround much of the world today.


Here are a few examples of the untruths circulating out there:

1) Obama claimed McCain’s plan for Social Security would have senior’s money at risk in the stock market.
-FALSE – under Bush’s plan supported by McCain, seniors would have the option to put some of their money in the stock market. (link)

2) Claims that McCain said he was a war criminal and had bombed innocent women and children.
-FALSE – twisted account of McCain retelling a story about the document he was forced to sign while being tortured during an interrogation session while he was a POW. (link)

3) Obama is un-American and despises “Old Glory” as proof by removing the flag from his campaign jet, not covering his heart during the National Anthem, and refusal to wear a lapel pin of the flag.
-FALSE – the plane was repainted (as all campaign planes are) and the North American Airlines trademarked stylized depiction of the flag was removed, but there is still a traditional depiction on the aircraft. (link) Technically the popularized photo is true, but over emphasized as other photos show he does cover his heart during the anthem and sings along, and has led Congress in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. (link) He has worn the lapel pin and still does on occasion just like the rest of Congress and the Senate. (link)

4) Multiple statements about Palin including cutting funds for special needs education, demanding that books are banned from the library, was part of an association to get Alaska to succeed from the union, and she pushed for teaching creationism in schools.
-FALSE – these statements are all either misleading or completely false. (link)

5) Multiple statements about Obama including that he is Muslim, was sworn in to Congress using a Quran, and has relations with radical Muslims.
-FALSE – all of these statements are false and are twisted interpretations of some of his past or just made up all together. (link)


ALF said...

I try not to comment on political things but I like that you're not suggesting that one side is better than the other. Good for you! I knew I liked you.

sarah marie p said...

Obama 08 all the way!!! Can't wait for the debate tonight!!

Marketing Gurl said...

You are tagged! See my last post!

Unknown said...

Good post, it's good to see all the crazy rumors cleared up all in one place. :)