Beef Supreme

Tuesday, November 11, 2008 Posted In , , Edit This 13 Comments »
I'm not sure if you know, but I have puppy fever. You know it's kind of like baby fever, but I want a puppy instead of a baby. For many good reasons we just can't have a puppy right now. With that said a while back Andrew told me that if we get a puppy he wants to name him Beef Supreme. Why? He thinks that would be an awesome name for a dog. Also this is the name of a guy in Idiocracy. Have you seen it? No? Go now and watch it. It's one of those movies that's so dumb it's hilarious.

Today I was doing a google search of puppies and I just had to send Andrew an email that went something like this...

Can't you just imagine calling this little guy Beefy?
Isn't he the cutest? Someone talk Andrew into letting me have this sweet little beefy goodness because he obviously isn't listening to me or my super adorable email.


ALF said...

There is ALWAYS room for a puppy. Or a dog, at any rate. Get one!

Doug insists that when we have to get another dog we must name it Steven. I am resisting.

Ashley // Our Little Apartment said...

Dude! My husband has doggie fever as well. It's intense.

I have to be the meanie poking holes in his dreams. But, we have no money! Or time!

Sometimes, I have to tell him to get off the puppy adoption pages because he's just going to torture himself. Haha.

Anonymous said...

Beefy! hahaha, So cute!

Mermanda said...

This dog MUST be yours! It has to be true.

Katelin said...

ohmygosh that puppy is so freaking adorable. and beefy?! ah, haha, love.

Ashley said...

hey he looks like my burrito! very cute.

well-intentioned heartbreaker said...

eek! he is too cute.

and i have that whole puppy fever thing too.

i waaaaaaant.

i neeeeeeeed.


sarah marie p said...

ack! that pup is TOO adorable! I want him!

Sara McGinness said...

how could you not have puppy fever, they are so freaking cute and cuddly. Oh man, that little guy is so cute and the name beef supreme is hilarious. I hope it works out for you two to get a dog, I couldn't imagine our lives with out our pups.

Maris said...

HE IS SO CUTE! I want one!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my god! Oh my god! I already have two dogs (Jack Russells), but if I saw that pwecious facey wacey in a window (coochie coochie cooo!) it would be SO MINE!

Get the dog, Andrew!

I'm Lisa Guidarini, and I approve this message.

Allie Mama said...

Just remember -- they're cute when they're little, but they poop BIG when they grow up. Plus the fact that if you're going to get a dog that we'll inherit anyway (just ask my baby about all her other pets) it needs to be one I want!!

Anonymous said...

He looks like a Beefy to me! The only cure for Puppy Fever is Puppy Love. Just saying.