What Are You Thinking? Part 2

Monday, December 17, 2007 Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »

As some of you might know I already wrote Part 1 of What Are You Thinking?. If you have not read that blog already please feel free to take a gander at it with the link I provided above.

I am now going to continue on with my thoughts for the moment.

Andrew and I watched the movie Duets over the weekend and my favorite quote from the movie is, "I would rather go through this life like a complete and utter retard than have to accept somebody else's miserable reality." This quote is both very funny and totally true. I would much rather be happy than miserable. Even if the things I believe are wrong in other's eyes, I'm completely content with my life the way it is.

Sometimes I wish we could bring the garden of Eden days to the present. The days when being naked wasn't a big deal. In no way do I mean for this to be sexual. I'm not the kind of person who likes to look at pictures of naked men (or women for that matter) and I'm not perverted (for the most part). I would just rather be naked. It is so much easier. You don't have the fuss of picking out an outfit for the day and accessorizing yourself. You don't have to make sure your outfit has any kind of faux pas (i.e. white socks with black shoes). The weather would always have to be warm, so we wouldn't have to worry about cold weather. Everyone would be desensitized to the birthday suit and we wouldn't have to worry about creepy men picturing us with our clothes off. This is my own dilusional little fantasy. There might be flaws in it and most might not agree with me, but I'm ok with that.

The title of my blog is "As You Wish." For those of you who don't know what this means it is from the movie Princess Bride. I have always been very fond of this movie and sometimes Andrew allows me to fall asleep watching it. I have the DVD, I'm sure I have it somewhere on video, and it is permanently in the Tivo at home, so I can watch it at any moment. If you haven't seen this movie do yourself a favor and watch it. It by no means meets the standards of today's visual effects, but it really is a great movie. It has action, love, drama, a good guy, a bad guy, a damsel in distress. What more could you ask for?

I took this picture at Glacier National Park in Montana. I thought it looked interesting.