A Little Bit of This...A Little Bit of That
Thursday, October 16, 2008 Posted In Me , School , Thoughts Edit This 7 Comments »
*My friend and neighbor Annie had her baby. She actually had her baby girl back in July, but I'm a little slow to post about it. Annie told me that if her baby was cute she would definitely let me take her picture. Well I'll let you be the judge, but in my opinion she is a beautiful little girl.

*My geology class is going well. I know I was being such a nerd about it, but it's actually really interesting and I'm learning quite a bit. I definitely don't want to be a geologist (not that there is anything wrong with that field), but I'm happy I'm still in the class. So far I've been doing pretty well on the assignments and I got a B on the first test. Today is the second test and I need to STUDY. We are going on a field trip on Saturday to one of the local mines and a geologist is going to give us a tour. I'm taking my camera, so I'll post some pictures when we get back.
*I decided not to cut my hair. I know I really wanted to, but I decided I'm going to grow it out and donate it once it's long enough. I figure that's a win win decision; someone in need of a wig will get one made from the hair I donate and I'll get to have short hair.
*I'm not as gangsta as I originally thought I was. Sad face. For several reasons I'm not taking the hip hop class anymore. I'm sad, but I know it's for the best in the long run. I could go into more details, but that's boring and I'm sure you don't want to hear about it.
*My boss told me I can order business cards. I'm not quite sure why, but I'm so stoked about it. Maybe it's the thought that it means I'm official or something. Or maybe I like the thought of being able to say "here's my card." I know that's cheesy, but I love it.
I guess that's it for now. I hope everyone is doing well and keeping warm as the weather is skipping right over fall and crashing face first into winter. xoxo

*My geology class is going well. I know I was being such a nerd about it, but it's actually really interesting and I'm learning quite a bit. I definitely don't want to be a geologist (not that there is anything wrong with that field), but I'm happy I'm still in the class. So far I've been doing pretty well on the assignments and I got a B on the first test. Today is the second test and I need to STUDY. We are going on a field trip on Saturday to one of the local mines and a geologist is going to give us a tour. I'm taking my camera, so I'll post some pictures when we get back.
*I decided not to cut my hair. I know I really wanted to, but I decided I'm going to grow it out and donate it once it's long enough. I figure that's a win win decision; someone in need of a wig will get one made from the hair I donate and I'll get to have short hair.
*I'm not as gangsta as I originally thought I was. Sad face. For several reasons I'm not taking the hip hop class anymore. I'm sad, but I know it's for the best in the long run. I could go into more details, but that's boring and I'm sure you don't want to hear about it.
*My boss told me I can order business cards. I'm not quite sure why, but I'm so stoked about it. Maybe it's the thought that it means I'm official or something. Or maybe I like the thought of being able to say "here's my card." I know that's cheesy, but I love it.
I guess that's it for now. I hope everyone is doing well and keeping warm as the weather is skipping right over fall and crashing face first into winter. xoxo
That's definitely a beautiful baby! Also, I was so excited when I got my first business cards. I felt so official!
The babies are taking over!!! She is way cute! I thought geology was pretty interesting...except the part where we had to memorize what a billion rocks looked like. That was pretty much not fun. Oh and on business cards, my work ordered some for me one time, and I pretty much never used them - HAH! Also because I don't really have a title..I guess I'd put "I do it all."
Dang baby fever! Of all things to post on your blog.. I thought I was safe from babies over here! lol
Oh, she's just a doll! I so wish I could have another. Oh well, not possible now. :p
lol I totally understand the business card thing! I get overly excited about weird things like that too. Great minds think alike huh?
what an adorable little bebe.
Congrats on your business cards! That's so exciting! Dangit, they were supposed to make me some like a year ago. Maybe I'll have John make me some. That's great you're enjoying your geology class! yay! good luck on your test! And great idea about growing out your hair!
Business cards? Ooooh get you! Well done. That baby is just gorgeous! Made me think 'aaaawwwwwww' and smile.
What a cute little baby!! And I love your idea about your hair! That is the perfect solution.
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